maandag 28 februari 2011
✩ºઇઉ✩ A Flower for you
✩ºઇઉ✩ The perfect gift is always love ✩ºઇઉ✩
✩ºઇઉ✩ Love will always prevail over hate ✩ºઇઉ
✩ºઇઉ✩ The perfect gift is always love ✩ºઇઉ✩
✩ºઇઉ✩ Love will always prevail over hate ✩ºઇઉ
"Being strong does not mean an absence of fear or even tears. Being strong means having the ability to work through the fears.....wiping away those tears and walking the road that needs to be walked upon." - Rachna Sharma Sirtaj....
love & Peace ♥♥♥
zondag 27 februari 2011
Neale Donald Walsch.
Your life is always working, whether you know it or not. Sometimes it works to bring you what you want, and sometimes it works to keep you from what you think you want.
— Neale Donald Walsch
We live in illusion and the appearance of things. There is a reality. We are that reality. When you understand this, you see that you are nothing, and being nothing, you are everything. That is all.
- Buddha
Your love lifts my soul from the body to the sky
And you lift me up out of the two worlds.
I want your sun to reach my raindrops,
So your heat can raise my soul upward like a cloud.
—➤ ❤ Happiness is a state of mind characterized by contentment, love, satisfaction, pleasure, or joy.
Happiness is a state of vibration that is in harmony with the universe.
"May green be the grass you walk on.
May blue be the skies above you.
May pure be the joys that surround you.
May true be the hearts that love you."
♥ Peace Love and Blessings
—➤ ❤ Rumi
Lovers trust in the wealth of their hearts
while the all-knowing mind sees only thorns ahead.
To wander in the fields of flowers
pull the thorns from your heart.
Your love lifts my soul from the body to the sky...
—➤ ❤ Rumi
ℒℴvℯ ♥
ℒℴvℯ ♥
♥ I am completely loved.
♥ I am completely lovable.
ℒℴvℯ ♥ can heal.
ℒℴvℯ ♥ can renew.
ℒℴvℯ ♥ can make us safe.
ℒℴvℯ ♥ can inspire us with its power.
ℒℴvℯ ♥ can bring us closer to God.
Everything ℒℴvℯ ♥ is meant to do is possible.
The path to ℒℴvℯ ♥ isn't a choice, for all of us must find out
who we are. This is our spiritual destiny.
Excepts from The Path of ℒℴvℯ ♥ by Deepak Chopra
donderdag 24 februari 2011
Paulo Coelho...
It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path,
but it's another to think that yours is the only path.
~ Paulo Coelho
✩ Rumi ✩
☾ ✩☾ Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself
that you have built against it.
——➤ ❤ Rumi
woensdag 23 februari 2011
Spreukjes en wijsheden♥♥
Albert Einstein 1879-1955.
Een Zen-monnik
maandag 21 februari 2011
zondag 20 februari 2011
On this day of your life I believe...
On this day of your life
I believe
...that you are never alone. Never, ever, ever. God is
always with you, and you have people all around you
who care.
Sometimes it feels good to spend some time by your-
self, but remember, too, that it is okay to reach out to
another if you feel lonely. You would want him or her
to reach out to you, no? So what are you waiting for?
You will not have to think but a second to know
exactly why you received this message today.
Love, Your Friend....

vrijdag 18 februari 2011
donderdag 17 februari 2011
"Dance - an art form. The body - an instrument.
Learn to play the instrument and master the art form."
"Danser - une forme d'art. Le corps - un instrument.
Apprendre à jouer l'instrument et maîtrise la forme d'art."
woensdag 16 februari 2011
Spreukjes en wijsheden♥♥
Mahatma Gandhi
A. Schopenhauer
Toon Hermans
Comtesse Diane de Beausac
C.G. Jung
maandag 14 februari 2011
On this day of your life...
On this day of your life, I believe wants you to know...
...that there is no 'right way' to do anything, there is only
the way you are doing it.
Never be afraid to "try your hand" because you don't
want to might make a mistake or not do somerthing
"right." Success in life comes from being willing to move
into Unchartered Territory.
Always remember: Life begins at the end of your
Comfort Zone.
You will not have to think but a second to know
exactly why you received this message today.
Love, Your Friend....

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