maandag 20 januari 2020
zondag 19 januari 2020
Veel mensen die naar onsterfelijkheid verlangen,
weten niet eens wat te doen op een regenachtige zondagmiddag...
Mooji spreekt...
Je bent de weg naar jezelf kwijt geraakt en vraagt om een routebeschrijving.
Ik toon je dat, wat nooit verdwaalt, je eigen Zelf.
Je vraagt een kaart, maar ik geef je een spiegel en zeg je verder te kijken dan de oppervlakte,
maar jij vraagt: hoe werkt het?
~ Mooji
Kelvo spreekt...

You are Powerful beyond you measure
You are Light beyond you darkness and

"Happiness is a state of mind and being radiates joy through every part of your life. When you are happy in one area of your life, the benefits of your happiness shows in other areas of your life too. Check in with yourself to see where your happiness already exists and where you feel you may need to increase your happiness. Do what needs to be done and give it back to yourself so that you can share it with others. Remember that happiness begins here within you right now and it always has been present and available. You are encouraged to look for happiness through another set of eyes and you'll notice how wonderful life truly is."
"Being honest means beings transparent, which means that you show yourself to others as you would show yourself to you. Honesty speaks out as a message to check in with yourself and see which parts of your life you are being honest and where you can express yourself fully as you are. By doing so, the life you live becomes more important for you because everything is a real and true part of you. Honesty builds compassion and appreciation for your amazing self!"
"Being honest means beings transparent, which means that you show yourself to others as you would show yourself to you. Honesty speaks out as a message to check in with yourself and see which parts of your life you are being honest and where you can express yourself fully as you are. By doing so, the life you live becomes more important for you because everything is a real and true part of you. Honesty builds compassion and appreciation for your amazing self!"
"Saying 'thank you' for the different things available to you in your life is a way of telling the world and those in it, how much you value them. It opens you up to receiving more of these beautiful things so that you can share similar qualities with yourself and others. A simple thankyou is connected to the heart as a message of appreciation and unconditional love. It is a kind of love that keeps the world inside and outside of you growing."
Wat ik je wil vertellen...
De wereld is als een spiegel:
kijk er boos in
en zij kijkt boos naar je terug;
Mensen reizen om de hoogte van de bergen te bewonderen
De hoge golven van de zee
De lange koers van de rivieren
De enorme omvang van de oceaan
De circulaire bewegingen van de sterren
Maar ze lopen zichzelf voorbij zonder verwondering.
St. Augustine
Zelf bloempotten maken.

DIY Concrete Planter : Create a unique garden planter using concrete, cooking spray and your choice of forms.
Step 1
Gather your forms (we used 3- and 5-gallon buckets). Use cooking spray to coat the inside of the large bucket and the outside of the small bucket.
Step 2
Mix concrete in a tub (wear rubber gloves and a mask) following package directions.
Step 3
Pour the mixture into the large bucket to about the halfway mark. Slide the small bucket into the center of the large bucket and push down to within 2 inches of the bottom.
Step 4
Use bricks, stones, or sand to weight the small bucket. Secure the weighted small bucket with duct tape so it doesn't rise.
Step 5
Remove the weights after 48 hours. Slit the inside of the small bucket and remove. Slit the outside of the large bucket and remove.
Step 6
Use a masonry bit to drill a hole in the side or bottom of the container for drainage.
Source :
Stel dat taal niet bestond. Dan dachten we al niet in woorden...
Zouden we dan meer voelen met ons hart
en de mooie dingen rondom ons terug zien???
Tis zo gemakkelijk om in woorden en zinnen te denken.
en de mooie dingen rondom ons terug zien???
Tis zo gemakkelijk om in woorden en zinnen te denken.
Ik was maar even weer aan het denken he...
Mvg, Happy_dancing_queen
donderdag 2 januari 2020
Ik kreeg de nieuwbrief aan van Rhonda Byrne. (boek: the secret)
The Only New Year’s Resolution I Ever Make
A new year means New Year’s resolutions for many people. I want to share with you the only New Year’s resolution I ever make. This one New Year’s resolution is all encompassing - it will take care of all your other resolutions in one go, whether that’s to find love, lose weight, be healthier, make more money, or whatever it is you want for 2020.
Be positive!
Make a promise to yourself to be as positive as you can possibly be. Make a promise to yourself to be more positive than you’ve ever been in your life. At the beginning of each day promise yourself: “Today, wherever I go and whatever I’m doing, I will be positive!”
Being positive means that you will look for the positive things in people, circumstances, and all things.
Being positive means that if any negative words come out of your mouth, you will stop mid-sentence and immediately turn the sentence into a positive one.
Being positive means that you will have fewer negative emotions, and even if a negative emotion arises you will be positive about it too by allowing the negative emotion to be rather than trying to push it away.
Being positive means that you will automatically focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want.
Being positive means that you will become an attractive force for what you want.
Being positive means that negative thoughts and words will begin to fall away.
Being positive means that you will begin to feel happier and happier each day.
Being positive means that you will have fewer problems.
Being positive means that life will go smoothly for you, everyday events will fall into place, and things will go your way.
Being positive means that you will feel good!
Make a commitment to change your entire life in 2020 through the simple, singular act of being positive!
Wishing you a Happy, Positive New Year for 2020!
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